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Blog Archive

Gallstones vs. Gallbladder Attack: What’s the Difference? Mar 1st, 2025

Have you ever felt pain in the right side of your abdomen after a heavy meal? It may be because you have gallstones. They can cause mild digestive upset or a painful gallbladder attack.  At Turnquest Surgical Solutions, our board-certified bariatric surgeons, Dexter Turnquest, MD, and Victoria C. Chang, MD, ...

When to Consider Myomectomy For Uterine Fibroids Feb 7th, 2025

Have you been diagnosed with uterine fibroids? If your fibroids are small and aren’t causing any discomfort, you don’t need to worry about them.  But some fibroids cause distressing symptoms. They can even interfere with fertility. In these situations, you need an operation called a myomectomy, which is the term...

I Gained Weight After Surgery. Is Revisional Bariatric Surgery Right For Me? Jan 7th, 2025

You’ve had a long standing issue with your weight, and the problem didn’t change when you had weight loss surgery. You’ve tried to keep the weight off, but the pounds have slowly crept back up when you get on the bathroom scale. You may be wondering if another type of...

Diet After Gallbladder Surgery: Navigating the Holidays Dec 12th, 2024

If you have gallbladder surgery, you need to modify your diet for a few weeks afterward. Plan ahead so you have foods at hand that you like and that you can eat.  At Turnquest Surgical Solutions, our board-certified bariatric surgeons, Dexter Turnquest, MD, and Victoria C. Chang, MD, provide detailed...

Are Acid Reflux and GERD the Same Thing? Nov 1st, 2024

Do you have acid reflux? It may happen after you’ve eaten a big meal — think Thanksgiving dinner. You’re likely familiar with the burning pain in your chest that moves into your throat. You may feel partially digested food come up into your throat with a sour smell.  When acid...

How We Help You Prevent Calcium Deficiency After Bariatric Surgery Oct 1st, 2024

Are you preparing for bariatric surgery? You know you’ll need to change your diet after the surgery for the long term.  At Turnquest Surgical Solutions in Houston, Texas, our board-certified bariatric surgeons, Dexter Turnquest, MD, and Victoria C. Chang, MD, review your post-procedure diet with you well before your surgery...

Will a Hiatal Hernia Resolve on Its Own? Sep 12th, 2024

You’re experiencing intermittent pain in the center of your stomach along with some other uncomfortable symptoms. The trouble has been diagnosed as a hiatal hernia. Now you wonder  what’s next.  Will it resolve on its own if you take some acid reducers? If not, do you have to undergo surgery? ...

7 Serious Health Problems That Are Linked to Your Excess Weight Aug 12th, 2024

If you’re overweight or obese, you might miss doing some of the things you did before you gained weight.  At Turnquest Surgical Solutions in Houston, Texas, our board-certified bariatric surgeons, Dexter Turnquest, MD, and Victoria C. Chang, MD,  perform weight loss surgeries that help you regain your quality of life. ...

Life After Gallbladder Removal: Here's What to Expect Jul 11th, 2024

Are you scheduled for gallbladder removal? It’s a routine operation today, and at Turnquest Surgical Solutions, our board-certified bariatric surgeons, Dexter Turnquest, MD, and Victoria C. Chang, MD, perform many gallbladder removal surgeries.  There are a number of reasons you may need to have your gallbladder removed. Perhaps you’ve had...

Your Unique Vitamin and Nutrition Needs After Bariatric Surgery Jun 19th, 2024

If you’re considering bariatric surgery, you’re likely looking for information about how your eating habits are going to change.  Your stomach is going to be much smaller, so you won’t be able to consume as much food as you did prior to surgery. Plus, the surgery alters the way your...

Why Do So Many People Need Their Gallbladder Removed? May 2nd, 2024

You’ve likely heard of friends or acquaintances having a gallbladder removed. It’s considered a routine operation. You may wonder why so many people need this surgery.  At Turnquest Surgical Solutions, our board-certified bariatric surgeons, Dexter Turnquest, MD, and Victoria C. Chang, MD, explain the etiology of this common health problem. ...

Serious Health Problems That Are Linked to Diabetes Apr 2nd, 2024

If you’ve been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, you’re probably trying to get your blood sugar under control.  You may have been significantly overweight for some time. At least 9 in 10 diabetes patients are overweight or obese. As you probably guessed, diabetes is closely linked with excess body fat. ...

5 Benefits of Robotic Surgery Mar 1st, 2024

Has your surgeon told you that you’re scheduled for robotic surgery? It may sound like science fiction, but robotic-assisted surgery is now becoming standard practice for many types of operations.  At Turnquest Surgical Solutions, our board-certified bariatric and general surgeons, Dexter Turnquest, MD, and Victoria C. Chang, MD, frequently use...

Your Guide to Dietary Changes Before and After Bariatric Surgery Feb 2nd, 2024

If you’re scheduled for bariatric surgery, you’re ready to make significant changes to your eating habits. The surgery helps you make the changes by reducing the size of your stomach. For example, after gastric bypass, your stomach will be about the size of a golf ball or an egg. You...

8 Questions to Ask Your General Surgeon Before Hernia Repair Surgery Jan 20th, 2024

You’re scheduled for hernia surgery. While you’re looking forward to relief from your pain and other troubling symptoms, it’s normal to feel some level of anxiety before an operation. Gaining information about your surgery and recovery can help calm your fears.  At Turnquest Surgical Solutions, our board-certified general and bariatric...

What Does a Gallbladder Attack Feel Like? Dec 14th, 2023

Do you have unexplained pain in your rib cage, abdomen, or back? It’s time to see a medical professional. This type of pain could mean a serious illness. One possibility is gallbladder disease, and you could be having a gallbladder attack.  At Turnquest Surgical Solutions, our board-certified bariatric and general...

Can Weight Loss Surgery Help Reverse Type 2 Diabetes? Nov 7th, 2023

Has excess weight plagued you for a long time? If so, you’ve likely tried diet after diet, but nothing has really worked. And if you have Type 2 diabetes, your overall well-being is at risk. Being significantly overweight or obese is a major risk factor for Type 2 diabetes. Plus,...

Experiencing a Weight Loss Plateau? It May Be Time to Reset Your Gastric Sleeve Oct 1st, 2023

You’ve had gastric sleeve surgery. It went well and you’ve lost weight, but now you’re in a plateau. Weight is not coming off, or you’re actually gaining some of it back. Either way, it’s not the trajectory you want to see.  Our expert bariatric surgeons with Turnquest Surgical Solutions want your weight loss journey...

Your Complete Guide to Bariatric Surgery Preparation Sep 1st, 2023

You know that bariatric surgery involves a major lifestyle change in your eating habits, and you’re ready to make the change.  At Turnquest Surgical Solutions, our board-certified bariatric surgeons, Dexter Turnquest, MD, and Victoria C. Chang, MD, explain what’s involved and how to prepare for surgery.  Your preparation for weight loss surgery depends in part...

Could Your Heartburn Be a Sign of a Hiatal Hernia? Aug 8th, 2023

Do you have persistent heartburn? Perhaps your doctor says it’s reached a chronic stage; you now have acid reflux. What’s causing this painful symptom? It could be a hiatal hernia.  At Turnquest Surgical Solutions, our board-certified bariatric and general surgeons, Dexter Turnquest, MD, and Victoria C. Chang, MD, treat many...

Benefits of Robotic Surgery Jun 5th, 2023

Are you considering surgery or are you scheduled for surgery? It’s normal to feel nervous about going under anesthesia, but learning as much as you can about the surgery you’re going to have can help calm your anxiety.  At Turnquest Surgical Solutions our board-certified bariatric and general surgeons offer robotic surgery for a number of health...

A Closer Look at Your Gallbladder and What Can Go Wrong May 1st, 2023

As often as you consume food, you probably don’t think about how it travels through your body to be digested and used as energy. As your food moves through the stages of digestion, it passes from one organ to another, each with its own role.  Let’s take a closer look...

Stop Ignoring Acid Reflux and Do This Instead Apr 10th, 2023

If you have painful acid reflux and heartburn is a constant companion after you eat, don’t give up hope. We can help. Our board-certified bariatric surgeons here at Turnquest Surgical Solutions see patients with acid reflux almost daily. We try conservative treatment first in most cases. But if a hiatal...

Immediate Benefits of Gastric Sleeve Mar 14th, 2023

Being obese isn’t a walk in the park. You’re tired of carrying around so many extra pounds, even though you’ve tried dieting. Don’t give up. If you’re investigating surgical weight loss, consider the gastric sleeve option.  At Turnquest Surgical Solutions, our board-certified bariatric surgeons, Dexter Turnquest, MD, and Victoria C....

Recognizing the Early Signs of Sleep Apnea Feb 13th, 2023

Are you often so tired during the day it’s hard to keep your head up, even if you slept for 7-8 hours the night before? You may have an undiagnosed condition called sleep apnea that prevents you from getting a good night’s sleep.  Lack of good sleep causes all sorts...

How to Manage Your Appetite After Gastric Bypass Jan 9th, 2023

If you’re scheduled for gastric bypass surgery or have already had it, congratulations. You’ve taken a major step toward improving your health. If you’re on medication for diabetes or high cholesterol, you may be able to reduce or eliminate the medication once you lose the excess weight.  At Turnquest Surgical...

5 Surprising Benefits of Healthy Weight Control Dec 12th, 2022

Are you overweight or obese? Remaining significantly over a normal weight for your height and body type can put you at risk for a number of diseases and at a higher risk of mortality. Losing just 5-10% of your body weight has beneficial effects.  Many Americans struggle with weight control....

How To Make the Most of Your Bariatric Surgery Nov 8th, 2022

You’ve reached your limit with diets that don’t work for you, and you may have developed one or more health conditions as a result of excess weight you’re carrying.  Now you’ve signed up for bariatric weight loss surgery. Congratulations! You’ve reached a decision to improve your health and your overall quality...

Should I Have My Gallbladder Removed? Oct 11th, 2022

If you have gastrointestinal pain, nausea, and vomiting, don’t ignore your symptoms. You could have gallbladder disease, and you need to seek medical care. At Turnquest Surgical Solutions, our board-certified bariatric and general surgeons, Dexter Turnquest, MD, and Victoria C. Chang, MD, have many years of experience and perform numerous...

My Acid Reflux Is Affecting My Quality of Life: What Can Be Done? Sep 7th, 2022

If you have uncontrolled acid reflux, you’re seeking answers. You’re tired of the burning pain in your chest after eating. Food and stomach acids back up into your throat. You may have trouble swallowing your food.  At Turnquest Surgical Solutions, our board-certified bariatric and general surgeons, Dexter Turnquest, MD, and Victoria C. Chang,...

Do I Qualify for Weight Loss Surgery? Aug 7th, 2022

Are your attempts at dieting at a dead end? Perhaps you feel it’s a battle you can’t win, and you’re tired of the failure cycle. It’s time to consider weight loss surgery. Are you a good candidate?  At Turnquest Surgical Solutions, our caring board-certified bariatric surgeons, Dexter G. Turnquest, MD, and Victoria C....

Understanding the Difference Between Obstructive and Central Sleep Apnea Jul 1st, 2022

Have you been diagnosed with or think you might have sleep apnea? There’s more than one form of this condition. Learn about obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and central sleep apnea (CSA) and what we can do to treat these disorders. At Turnquest Surgical Solutions, our board-certified general and bariatric surgeons, Dexter Turnquest,...

How the Duodenal Switch Works to Help You Reach Your Goals Jun 1st, 2022

Have you tried losing weight over and over with no significant results? You’re not alone. More than a third of Americans are obese, and another 32% are overweight. If you’re ready to commit to surgery to take the weight off, it’s time to consider a surgical procedure called the duodenal switch.  At Turnquest Surgical...

What's Causing My Terrible Acid Reflux? May 1st, 2022

You have acid reflux, but lately it’s been getting worse. At first it was some heartburn, but now the symptoms don’t seem to stop. Food gets stuck in your throat. All of a sudden you can’t swallow your food easily at times. You feel nauseous.  You’re taking medication but it’s not...

How the Gallbladder Works in Your Body Apr 3rd, 2022

Do you have unexplained pain in your abdomen? That’s one of several symptoms of gallbladder disease. It’s important to seek medical attention for any unexplained physical problem before it becomes an emergency.  At Turnquest Surgical Solutions in Houston, Texas, our board-certified general and bariatric surgeons, Dexter Turnquest, MD, and Victoria C. Chang, MD, have...

Have You Tried These Behavior Modification Techniques? Mar 1st, 2022

Have you been overweight or obese for too long? You have to be mentally ready to make some permanent lifestyle changes to shed the pounds. You may even be thinking of weight loss surgery.  At Turnquest Surgical Solutions, our board-certified general and bariatric surgeons, Dexter Turnquest, MD, and Victoria C....

2 Types of Hernias and What to Do About Them Feb 1st, 2022

You’ve been diagnosed with a hernia. Now what? Is an operation inevitable? At Turnquest Surgical Solutions, our board-certified surgeons, Dexter Turnquest, MD, and Victoria C. Chang, MD, are the experts you want to consult if you have a hernia.  What is a hernia?  If you’re diagnosed with a hernia, it...

8 Symptoms of Acid Reflux Jan 4th, 2022

If heartburn used to be a now-and-then issue but it’s become a regular presence after dinner, you may have acid reflux, and it’s time to get treatment. At Turnquest Surgical Solutions, our board-certified bariatric and general surgeons, Dexter Turnquest, MD, and Victoria C. Chang, MD, are experts at treating acid...

Is Sleep Apnea Dangerous? Dec 8th, 2021

Does your significant other tell you that it sounds like a train roaring through the bedroom when you snore? Do they sometimes sleep in another bedroom or move to the couch? Do you wake up in the morning with your mouth parched and wide open?  You may have undiagnosed sleep...

I'm Really Struggling To Get My Excess Weight Off Nov 2nd, 2021

Are you tired of being overweight or obese? Being significantly overweight increases the chance of developing serious health complications such as diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. You may already have the beginnings of a serious disease in an early stage.  If you’ve tried every diet known to mankind...

Diabetes and Acid Reflux: How Are They Linked? Oct 8th, 2021

Is your dinner enjoyment dimmed by the threat of acid reflux scorching your esophagus after you eat? If you have frequent heartburn and have been diagnosed with acid reflux, you may be surprised to learn that this condition is also associated with Type 2 diabetes.  At Turnquest Surgical Solutions, our...

5 Signs You're a Good Candidate for Weight Loss Surgery Sep 1st, 2021

Are you tired of being caught in a failure cycle when it comes to dieting and losing weight? If you feel like you’ve tried every diet under the sun and nothing has worked for you, perhaps it’s time to think about weight loss surgery.  At Turnquest Surgical Solutions, our board-certified...

5 Ways Sleep Apnea Treatment Can Improve Your Life Aug 4th, 2021

If you’ve been diagnosed with sleep apnea, you have a better understanding of changes that have likely occurred in your mental and physical health. The diagnosis can help explain why you always feel out of sorts during the day and tend to fall asleep in meetings.  Our board-certified general and...

When to Consider a Duodenal Switch Jul 7th, 2021

If you’re severely overweight or obese and have reached your limit with your food issues, you may be seeking a new solution. It’s time to consider a bariatric surgery called duodenal switch. About 20,000 Americans undergo this procedure every year, so you’re not alone. Our board-certified bariatric and general surgeons,...

What to Expect During Your LINX Procedure Jun 15th, 2021

You’ve had acid reflux for years. Recently, it’s gotten to the point that you don’t know what to eat. You get a burning pain in your throat and upper chest that feels like you’re having a heart attack.  If medication hasn’t helped control your reflux, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD),...

Does Your Bariatric Surgery Need a Revision? May 1st, 2021

You’ve had a long battle with being overweight or obese if you’ve already had bariatric surgery. Are you having uncomfortable symptoms, or have you simply gained weight again that you thought you wouldn’t?  It may be time to investigate whether you need a bariatric revision. At Turnquest Surgical Solutions, we...

The Difference Between Heartburn and Acid Reflux Apr 1st, 2021

You’ve always had heartburn, but perhaps now it’s occurring more frequently. In that case, it’s time to see a specialist. Frequent heartburn may be a sign of acid reflux, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).  Our board-certified general and bariatric surgeons at Turnquest Surgical Solutions treat many patients who have acid...

Vitamins to Support Your Weight Loss Mar 1st, 2021

If you’re reading this blog, you’re likely considering weight loss surgery. Perhaps it’s already booked. Did you know that taking vitamins both before and after the surgery is critically important?  Most foods today aren’t from small farms that use few chemicals. As agriculture in America has moved to agribusiness, many...

How Sleep Apnea Affects Your Sex Life Feb 1st, 2021

You have sleep apnea and are seeking a solution. The effects of sleep apnea have had a major impact on your life, and not a good one. You’re exhausted during the day. You find yourself distracted, unable to pay attention to needed tasks.  At Turnquest Surgical Solutions, we offer several...

Help! I Need to Lose Weight Jan 1st, 2021

Do you feel like you’ve tried every diet under the sun with no real results? Whatever the reason, you just haven’t won the weight loss battle. It’s time to stop the failure cycle. Modern medicine can transform your body and your outlook through weight loss surgery.  At Turnquest Surgical Solutions,...

Having Diabetes Increases Your Risk for These Serious Health Conditions Dec 1st, 2020

If you’ve recently been diagnosed with diabetes, there’s a lot of new information to learn. You want to manage your diabetes so it doesn’t get out of control.  Dr. Dexter G. Turnquest and Dr. Victoria Chang, our board-certified general and bariatric surgeons at Turnquest Surgical Solutions, treat many patients who...

How to Navigate the Holidays Without Gaining Weight Nov 1st, 2020

The holidays are nearly here, and that means holiday parties and food. If you’re trying to lose weight and keep it off, the holidays can be especially stressful. Researchers have found that if you’re already overweight, you may gain more from November to January than people who are at a...

Lifestyle Changes to Manage Acid Reflux Oct 15th, 2020

Acid reflux, also called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), is the technical name for what you know as heartburn. Most people get heartburn now and then after a big dinner, but if you get heartburn frequently, it’s time to see the doctor.  That burning sensation is your body telling you that...

Struggling with Obesity? 3 Weight Loss Surgeries to Consider Sep 9th, 2020

Are you too heavy to run after the kids and give them a big hug when you’re playing with them? Perhaps you’re tired of being the object of sideways glances in public.  Our culture is obsessed with thin, well-proportioned bodies. If you look different, your self-esteem has probably suffered, and...

Remarkable Benefits of Robotic Surgery Aug 6th, 2020

Modern technology has revolutionized the surgical landscape. Procedures that used to open 5- or 6-inch incisions in your skin now can be done with robotic surgery that only requires tiny incisions.  At Turnquest Surgical Solutions, we use robotic surgery in a wide range of general and bariatric surgeries. In a...

Daytime Sleepiness and Sleep Apnea Jul 10th, 2020

If you find it hard to stay awake during the day, it’s very likely you’re simply not getting enough rest at night, even though you may be in bed for eight hours or longer.  Excessive daytime sleepiness is a syndrome that’s common enough to get its own acronym: EDS. Researchers...

Risk Factors for Gallbladder Disease Jun 24th, 2020

Are you having pain just below your rib cage? It may be a form of gallbladder disease. Pain is your body’s way of alerting you that a body system needs attention because it’s not working properly.  At Turnquest Surgical Solutions, our board-certified general and bariatric surgeons treat many patients with...

Acid Reflux vs. GERD: What Are the Differences? May 12th, 2020

You’ve always loved pizza and lasagna, but heartburn after dinner has become almost constant. It’s time to call the doctor.  Heartburn comes in various forms. You may feel a burning sensation in your chest that moves up to your throat, or you may experience severe pain around your breastbone that...

Severely Obese? You Might be a Good Candidate for a Duodenal Switch Apr 14th, 2020

The obesity epidemic is alive and well. The national obesity rate for adults in the United States stands at 40%, and it continues to climb higher each year, reaching new heights. In fact, the number of obese adults has increased by 70% in just the last three decades.  The rate...

Do I Still Have to Diet If I Have Lap Band Surgery? Mar 3rd, 2020

If you’re considering weight loss surgery, you no doubt have a lot of questions. Lap band surgery is less invasive than other types of weight loss surgeries, so your recovery should be quicker. And unlike other weight loss surgeries, it’s reversible.  A peer-reviewed study in the National Library of Medicine...

The Link Between Obesity and Sleep Apnea Feb 3rd, 2020

Does your significant other say that you snore as loud as a locomotive and wake up gasping? Do you feel sleepy during the day and have trouble staying awake in meetings? You may have sleep apnea, a disorder in which you stop and start breathing frequently during the night.  The...

Resolve to Lose Weight Once and For All: Consider Surgical Weight Loss Jan 2nd, 2020

The United States is in the throes of an obesity crisis. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 40% of American adults are considered obese (over 90 million people).  In addition to the emotional and quality-of-life problems that often come with being overweight or obese, obesity...

When to Consider Bariatric Surgery to Protect Your Heart Dec 4th, 2019

With the majority of Americans overweight or obese, carrying extra weight is the new normal in the United States. Here in Texas, we rank 10th in the nation for obesity, with almost 35% of adults reporting a body mass index (BMI) >35. But excess pounds can mean trouble for your...

Laparoscopic Gallbladder Surgery May be the Best Method for Remedying Your Symptomatic Gallstones Nov 14th, 2019

Approximately 20 million people in the United States have gallstones, and 20% of these cases develop ongoing problems with symptomatic gallstones. While not everyone with gallstones requires surgical removal of their gallbladder, this solution is the only acceptable definitive treatment for gallbladder disease. At Turnquest Surgical Solutions, under the expert...

Failed Weight-Loss Surgery? Learn Your Revision Options Oct 2nd, 2019

Weight-loss surgery helps you lose weight by limiting the amount of food you can take in or by restricting how much nutrition your body absorbs from food. There are several popular types of bariatric surgery, also known as weight-loss surgery. These include laparoscopic gastric bypass, lap band, gastric sleeve, and...

When Does a Hiatal Hernia Require Surgery? Sep 24th, 2019

A hiatal hernia is a condition where the top half of your stomach pops into your chest cavity, using an opening in your diaphragm. The condition manifests in two ways: The sliding kind  This type of hiatal hernia happens when your hernia is the result of a sliding motion, which...

Added Benefit: Bariatric Surgery can Help Control Type 2 Diabetes Aug 15th, 2019

Your risk of developing type 2 diabetes rises as your body weight increases. If you’re obese, you’re 3-7 times more likely to develop the chronic condition. Your risk is 20 times greater if your body mass index is greater than 35. Weight loss can help reduce the severity of type...