Will a Hiatal Hernia Resolve on Its Own?

You’re experiencing intermittent pain in the center of your stomach along with some other uncomfortable symptoms. The trouble has been diagnosed as a hiatal hernia. Now you wonder what’s next.
Will it resolve on its own if you take some acid reducers? If not, do you have to undergo surgery?
At Turnquest Surgical Solutions, board-certified bariatric and general surgeons Dexter Turnquest, MD, and Victoria C. Chang, MD, treat many patients with hiatal hernias.
While some can resolve with conservative treatment, others that cause ongoing painful or distressing symptoms require surgery.
What is a hiatal hernia?
Your diaphragm — the large muscle that helps you breathe — separates your chest from your stomach. When part of your stomach pushes through an opening from your diaphragm into your chest, you have a hiatal hernia.
More than half of adults have a hiatal hernia by age 50. Some hiatal hernias never cause symptoms, while others cause moderate or severe symptoms such as those described below.
What are the symptoms of a hiatal hernia?
Following are some of the common symptoms of a hiatal hernia.
- Heartburn
- Food regurgitation
- Stomach acid flowing back into your esophagus (acid reflux)
- Difficulty swallowing at times
- Stomach pain
- Upper chest pain
- Vomit with blood in it
- Black stools which could indicate blood in your digestive system
- Shortness of breath
How did I get a hiatal hernia?
Hiatal hernias can develop for a number of reasons. Here are some of the most common.
You’re more at risk for a hiatal hernia as you get older. About 70% of adults over age 70 have a hiatal hernia, although many don’t cause symptoms. You lose muscle strength as you age. If your diaphragm weakens significantly, stomach tissue can push through the opening more easily.
You may be born with a propensity to develop a hiatal hernia. Your diaphragm may tend open more easily and remain open so that stomach acids can travel back into your esophagus.
Pressure on muscles
Undue pressure on muscles around your stomach can result in a hiatal hernia. Sometimes pregnancy causes a hiatal hernia. And if you’ve lifted heavy objects for years on your job, have had chronic constipation, or a chronic cough, you could develop a hiatal hernia.
When does a hiatal hernia need repair?
If you have a large hiatal hernia in which part of your stomach pushes through your diaphragm, you likely have symptoms of discomfort, some of which can be severe.
You may develop gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which causes painful and distressing symptoms. You might develop difficulty swallowing. You may experience food backing up into your esophagus and have to spit up food particles. You may have pain in your upper chest.
When mealtime causes pain and discomfort, eating is no longer a pleasure. When medication fails to help you, our bariatric surgeons can perform hiatal hernia repair. It works. You will be able to enjoy eating again.
Call us at Turnquest Surgical Solutions in Houston, Texas, or book an appointment online if you suspect you have a hiatal hernia.
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