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Resolve to Lose Weight Once and For All: Consider Surgical Weight Loss

The United States is in the throes of an obesity crisis. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 40% of American adults are considered obese (over 90 million people). 

In addition to the emotional and quality-of-life problems that often come with being overweight or obese, obesity also increases the risk of a number of serious health risks like diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and even certain types of cancer. 

Like many chronic illnesses, there are a number of misconceptions and misunderstandings about obesity that often prevent or make it more difficult for people to get the help they need. 

At Turnquest Surgical Solutions, we offer several medical weight-loss options, including bariatric surgery to help you take control of your weight and your health. Our team of bariatric surgeons and weight-loss specialists offer services from two convenient locations in Houston. 

When to consider weight-loss surgery

One of the many misconceptions about obesity and extreme weight loss is that diet, exercise, and sheer will power are enough to lose and keep the weight off permanently. There are a number of underlying factors that contribute to and exacerbate obesity, so many people faced with weight-related health problems just can’t do it alone. 

This leads many people to feelings of shame, anxiety, and depression. According to the CDC, there’s a relationship between obesity and depression: over 40% of adults living with obesity also suffer from depression.

In general, bariatric surgery is recommended for adults with a BMI (body mass index) over 35 and who may be experiencing serious health problems as a result of the extra weight, such as cardiovascular disease, sleep apnea, or type 2 diabetes. It’s also a solution for people who have tried and failed or had limited success losing and keeping off weight through diet and exercise alone. 

Factors like age, health status, mental health, medical history, and motivation are also taken into consideration during your evaluation for weight-loss surgery. 

Types of bariatric surgery

There are several options available depending on your circumstances and health. Our weight loss surgeons offer the following bariatric surgical options:

Weight-loss surgery is not a silver bullet, and you will still have to follow a healthy diet and lifestyle in order to keep the weight off and minimize your risk of complications. Results vary from person to person, but in general bariatric surgery patients can lose anywhere from 50%-70% of excess weight in the first one to two years after surgery. 

Studies have shown that some people have been able to keep off most of the excess weight for a decade after surgery and longer. 

For more information about weight-loss surgery and whether it’s right for you, call Turnquest Surgical Solutions today to schedule an appointment at one of our two Houston locations, or book an appointment online.

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