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How We Help You Prevent Calcium Deficiency After Bariatric Surgery

How We Help You Prevent Calcium Deficiency After Bariatric Surgery

Are you preparing for bariatric surgery? You know you’ll need to change your diet after the surgery for the long term. 

At Turnquest Surgical Solutions in Houston, Texas, our board-certified bariatric surgeons, Dexter Turnquest, MD, and Victoria C. Chang, MD, review your post-procedure diet with you well before your surgery so you know what to expect. 

You’ll need to take vitamin and mineral supplements daily. These contain much higher doses of some nutrients than regular multivitamins. 

Bariatric surgery increases the risk of calcium deficiency

Research shows that bariatric surgery increases your risk of some vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Your body can’t absorb them as well after the surgery. Calcium and vitamin D are two essential nutrients that bariatric surgery affects. 

Why you need supplements after bariatric surgery 

There are several reasons you need calcium and vitamin D supplements after bariatric surgery. Here are some of them.

You may have a vitamin deficiency before surgery 

Interestingly, researchers found that many bariatric patients are deficient in vitamin D prior to surgery, so your calcium levels are affected as well. Scientists note that vitamin D deficiency is not rare. In the population as a whole, deficiency can range from 20-80%

It’s more difficult to get enough calcium and vitamin D from food

The surgery shrinks your stomach significantly, so you don’t consume as much food, and it’s harder to meet daily calcium needs from food alone. You must count calories after bariatric surgery and avoid high-calorie fried, fatty foods because they can cause distressing gastrointestinal symptoms. 

Bariatric surgery decreases your body’s ability to absorb calcium 

Bariatric surgeries often bypass the parts of the small intestine that absorb calcium. You’ll need to take high doses of calcium to ensure your body gets the calcium you need. 

Possibility of lactose intolerance 

Some gastric bypass patients may become lactose intolerant after surgery. You won’t be able to eat many foods that are calcium-rich. 

Regular multivitamins aren’t the answer

After bariatric surgery, you need much higher doses of vitamin D and calcium than are contained in a regular multivitamin. Take your prescribed supplements to maintain your health after your surgery. 

Risk of bone loss 

Calcium is essential for life. Almost all of your calcium is housed in your teeth and bones. You may already know that a calcium deficiency can lead to osteoporosis, a disease that makes your bones porous, brittle, and at great risk of fracturing. 

You may not realize that calcium is also essential for other bodily functions such as helping your blood to clot, blood vessel regulation, muscle movement, and hormone secretion. Being calcium deficient leads to long-term health problems. 

Take vitamin D along with your calcium supplement, because it helps your body absorb the calcium. When your body doesn’t have enough calcium, it causes bone loss. 

Bariatric surgeries place you at greater risk of bone loss. It’s crucial to take calcium and vitamin D supplements as your bariatric surgeon prescribes. 

Tips on vitamin and mineral supplements 

We provide you with specific information about how to take your vitamin and mineral supplements. We also review your medications, because some can hinder calcium absorption. 

Your calcium supplement should contain vitamin D3 to improve calcium absorption. Vitamin D commonly sold in stores is fat soluble, meaning you need to eat some fat to help your body absorb it. 

On the contrary, after bariatric surgery, you need the dry form of vitamin D, which means you don’t have to eat fat to absorb it. In addition, you may need to take your calcium supplement with food to avoid an upset stomach or stomach pain. 

Dr. Turnquest and Dr. Chang offer Bariatric Advantage vitamin and mineral supplements that contain the nutrients you need to remain healthy after bariatric surgery. 

Call us at Turnquest Surgical Solutions or book an appointment online today at one of our two Houston, Texas, locations to learn more about how bariatric surgery can transform your life.

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