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Help! I Need to Lose Weight

Do you feel like you’ve tried every diet under the sun with no real results? Whatever the reason, you just haven’t won the weight loss battle. It’s time to stop the failure cycle. Modern medicine can transform your body and your outlook through weight loss surgery. 

At Turnquest Surgical Solutions, our board-certified bariatric and general surgeons, Dr. Dexter G. Turnquest and Dr. Victoria Chang, offer compassionate care as you make the transition from being obese to becoming a healthy size. 

At your consultation, we review your medical and diet history. First, we determine if you’re a candidate for weight loss surgery and meet the necessary criteria:

We explain the before-and-after process involved in weight loss surgery. It’s a long-term commitment, and your relationship with food is going to change. 

Before undergoing the surgery, we make sure you’re aware of what you’ll be able to eat after surgery. Up until now, you’ve been able to eat anything you want, but that won’t be the case after the surgery. 

The good news? You’ll lose a significant percentage of your excess weight if you follow our instructions. 

At Turnquest Surgical Solutions, we provide several weight loss surgical options. After your exam and the review of your medical and diet history, we recommend the surgery that would be best for you. 

Lap band surgery

The lap band procedure is the least invasive surgical weight loss option. 

The surgery is aptly named: We place a band around the upper part of your stomach. As you recover from surgery, you can’t eat much at one time because your stomach is a small pouch. If you eat too much or too quickly, swallowing may be difficult. 

High calorie foods that you enjoyed for years are a no-no. Because you can only eat smaller portions, you won’t get enough protein and vitamins if you fill up on sweets and high calorie foods. Get more nutrition by choosing lean meats, fruits, and vegetables. 

Gastric bypass surgery

During this procedure, we create a small stomach pouch and bypass a part of your intestine. Because of the bypass, your body can’t absorb the same amount of food as it did previously. 

You don’t return to eating solid foods until eight weeks after the surgery. If you try to eat foods you used to eat that are very fatty or sugary, you’ll experience dumping syndrome, causing stomach cramps and diarrhea. 

The good news? You’ll likely lose 60-80% of your excess weight from gastric bypass surgery if you follow our instructions. 

Gastric sleeve surgery  

We remove part of your stomach during gastric sleeve surgery. You feel full much more quickly, so the procedure helps you control cravings. You don’t return to eating solid foods until eight weeks after the surgery.

As with gastric bypass surgery, dumping syndrome can occur if you try to eat too much fatty food, because your body hasn’t been able to digest it. 

Just as with the lap band surgery and bypass surgery, you need to eat smaller meals, chew your food thoroughly, stay well hydrated, and eat protein, fruits and vegetables to ensure you’re getting proper nutrition. 

Call us today Turnquest Surgical Solutions or book an appointment through our online portal to begin your weight loss journey. This time, success awaits you.

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